The Benefits of Having a Break from Alcohol
I’m presently doing dry July (or a version of it) and thought I would take a look at the benefits this break from alcohol is doing for my mind, body and soul.
You don’t have to be a big drinker to benefit from not drinking alcohol for an extended period of time. When I was going through chemotherapy there were a number of times that I had good breaks from alcohol (your taste buds are shot – excuse the pun), however I didn’t really feel the benefits because of the side effects of the chemo. Now that I feeling myself again it’s a good time for me to experience these benefits and yes, there are a number of them.
Read on for the benefits that a Dry July can give your mind, body and soul.
1. You Will Sleep Better
This may take a week or two but after you quit drinking but you’ll ultimately sleep better. According to research, drinking increases brain wave patterns that usually happen when you’re awake. In normal deep sleep, the brain activity is in delta waves. Consuming alcohol causes brain activity during sleep to happen in alpha waves. Alpha waves are generally only seen in brain activity when we’re awake, but resting. We all know that resting on the couch isn’t the same thing as getting a good night’s sleep, so it’s no wonder that people who drink regularly often feel tired and fatigued during the day.
I always found that I feel asleep more quickly after a little wine. While that may be true, it’s only for a little while. A review of several studies found that even if alcohol helps you fall asleep more quickly and deeply at first, the quality of your sleep suffers overall, leaving you feeling tired the next day. So while you may have a hard time falling asleep at first when you stop drinking, you’ll be more refreshed the next day. How many of you after a few drinks wake at 4.30 am wired and unable to get back to sleep? After talking to a few people this seems like a common occurrence. This unpleasant waking will stop if you quit the booze.
I have started a new nightly routine consisting of drinking a sleepy tea and taking a magnesium supplement about 30min before bed. I also meditate and exercise later in the day to help my mind stay in a peaceful state and sometimes use a few essential oils in a bath or have them in a diffuser by my bed. While it has taken me a bit longer to get to sleep my quality of sleep overall has improved and I feel that these benefits will continue to increase.
2. You Will Lose Weight
If you stop drinking and change nothing else in your diet and exercise routines you will lose weight. Alcohol contains empty calories and you are less likely to overeat when not consuming it. Alcohol sends the hypothalamus in your brain to another level. This makes the body more sensitive to food smells . Research has shown a link between alcohol and over eating as alcohol weakens your reserve and it removes inhibitions. How many of us get the munchies after a night out and succumb to eating takeaways when we normally wouldn’t?
Not drinking alcohol is a great time to detox and make a special effort to put nourishing whole foods into your body.
3. Your Chance Of Getting Various Forms Of Cancer Decreases
Alcohol has been linked with an increased risk of several cancers , among them mouth, liver, breast , colon and rectal. Its great to have one less carcinogen to worry about when you are taking a break. For us girls there is a strong link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer especially the hormonal positve breast cancers and lobular breast cancer.
My breast cancer was Triple Negative where the link isn’t as proven and some studies have shown that the opposite effect however I realize the importance of keeping my alcohol intake within the recommended guidelines. I’m not perfect and will on occasion drink more than intended but I will then have a few more alcohol free days to make up for it. The 80-20% rule is one I apply to a number of areas in my life including my diet. What you do 80% of the time is important every now and then it okay to break out of the constraints.
4. Your Skin Will Look Amazing
“Alcohol is actually one of the worst, most aggressive compounds to destroy your skin,” said New York nutritionist Jairo .
There’s no question that alcohol can cause your body to become dehydrated. You go out drinking at night and wake up the next morning praying there’s a refreshing glass of water next to your bed due to the fact that the alcohol has slowed down the process of an anti-diuretic hormone called vasopressin. This causes your kidneys to work twice as hard to counteract the excess fluid, which then will cause your organs to become dehydrated.
Your skin, which is the largest organ of the body, will start to show when you’ve been leaving your body severely dehydrated too often. Instead of being soft and hydrated, your skin will begin to look cracked and wrinkled.
5. No More Hanxiety
Your anxiety levels will decline without alcohol in your body. There is a proven link between alcohol and what I call – hanxiety. I know a number of people who feel very anxious the day after a big night out. This is because you can get a sense of relaxation when you drink as your blood alcohol content rises. However feelings of depression occur as BAC falls which results in feeling more anxious than you were before.
6. More Wonderful Benefits
Here are some other reasons to have a break:
- You will have more energy
- You will gain more clarity and have less brain fog
- Your body will be more hydrated
- You will have increased mental focus
- Your digestion will improve
- Your body will increase its absorption of vitamins and minerals
- You will reduce your sugar intake and have less chance of getting diabetes
- Your immune system will be stronger
- You will have improved memory
- Your liver will start to repair itself and you will have less chance of developing a fatty liver
- Your blood cholesterol will drop, a risk factor for heart disease
But for me the most important aspect is that research has shown people who partake in a month of not drinking tend to drink less for the rest of the year. They have broken their normal drinking patterns what ever they may be and have a decreased desire for alcohol. It’s got to be worth a go for that reason alone.
If you are finding it a bit stressful to take a break from alcohol my blog Helpful Ways To Cleanse The Mind should give you a few tips.
Check out how to raise money for cancer and other health benefits @