Is The Discover Wellness Program Right For Me?
You may be here because you’re looking for a way to gain some balance after personal challenges or maybe you just feel a bit like a blank canvas at the moment.
You might be wondering where to even start with creating real change in your life or finding it difficult to believe you can actually achieve your goals. Or you may have some particular goals you wish to smash and are feeling so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start.
Whatever the reason is this program will help you make the right changes to get you inspired and loving life again.
During stressful times we need to get our lives back on track and be reminded of the positive steps we can make to feel focused, wonderful and engaged.
What Results Shall I Expect?
If you put your heart and your mind into the Discover Wellness program and complete the daily steps, over the course of three weeks you will see some fabulous results.
If you take the time to invest in yourself, by the end of this program you’ll understand so much more about the negative patterns that may have been stopping you from living the life that you truly desire and you will also have learned replacement strategies so that you can stay focused on living a long, pure, beautiful life.
My wish is that you will flourish into the person you truly want to be and this new you will continue on well after the completion of the program.
My Story
I used the strategies in Discover Wellness myself when I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I wanted to take a proactive role towards living the best life that I could while adjusting my lifestyle, thinking and options to create a meaningful life during this period of time and into my future.
I worked really hard on my own self-care, my mind, body and soul so that I would be in the best possible place, both mentally and physically while going through my various treatments. For me during this time thinking positively and being grateful were essential elements.
I feel that finding a new, fresh perspective during challenging times is a must and this is where my passion now lies, because of my own past experiences. It lies in sharing these tips, tools, thoughts, workbooks and activities with you, so that you too can fly through your own challenges be they in your mind, body or soul.
Why Is This Program Different?
This program concentrates on a complete holistic transformation and this makes the program different from others.
Discover Wellness isn’t just focusing on one particular struggle that you’re facing. The program focuses on your entire life, how you handle stress and what wears you down. It puts emphasis equally on your mind, your body, and your soul so you can develop a healthy relationship with yourself and the people you love. It is a holistic and long-lasting approach to wellness.
Discover Wellness will help you make meaningful changes to your life and to take responsibility for your own wellness journey so that you can make positive steps towards making your life wonderful.

In Week One we look at how to deal with negative, habitual thoughts and replace them with empowering affirmations and a clear mind.
During Week Two we will look at all things physical: including your energy, movement and longevity.
Week Three is all about discovering your passions and purpose, and how you can align these with your daily life.
Bonus Week
Week Four includes bonus tips, tools and challenges to help you achieve long-lasting healthy results through rituals that work.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
You will receive a 21 day daily calendar to help you stay focused on the work that you need to do to make positive changes. This will be a gentle reminder of your day’s task.
Every day I will walk you through the importance of setting your goals, looking at your dreams, ditching negativity and enhancing positivity, and how to do these step by step. There will also be daily insights to help you further your wellness journey.
It all starts with one small step in the right direction.

I can be contactable at if you wish to find out more information.
I have created these tiers of program offerings to meet everyone’s needs as I realise that some clients may not wish to take up a full coaching package but are still passionate about working towards discovering their wellness.
Hopefully one of these offerings will meet your needs perfectly.
The Self Study Discover Wellness Program
For those who choose the Self Study Program you work through the program at your own pace. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have with regards to the program itself and give any clarification required.
I will be there to keep you on track and motivate you while you complete the program.
Opening Special $39.95
The Guided Coaching Discover Wellness Program
For those who choose the Guided Coaching Program you will have three personal email/chat sessions with me at any stage of the program that works for you.
This is where you can address any specific concerns that you would like to look into on a deeper level. I will assist you with more specific information, tools, worksheets, challenges and blogs that relate to these personal concerns .
Opening Special $149.95
The Full Coaching Discover Wellness Program
And finally for my Full Coaching Program clients you will have three 30 minute coaching sessions with me either in person or by Messenger/phone/Skype at anytime during the program you feel would be most helpful.
Normally once a week or every two weeks works well for clients. After each coaching session I will assist you with more specific information, as mentioned previously, regarding the main areas of development that you wish to work on. Extra coaching sessions can also be added at a cost of $60 per session.
Opening Special $229.95
5% of Discover Wellness Program sales will go to Breast Cancer Cure New Zealand. This is a charity which has funded many research projects in New Zealand searching cures for Breast Cancer which is very close to my own heart.

Please remember that you will not be doing this alone .
I am very committed to your success and helping you live a gorgeous life. My wish is for you to be committed to discover your wellness and I hope that you join me on this journey.