10 Affirmations To Help You Believe In Your Self
10 Affirmations To Help You Believe In Yourself Everyone needs a little boost of confidence every once in a while telling them they are capable of anything they wish to accomplish! Words of affirmation to help you believe in yourself are crucial in defining...
Silence Negative Self Talk
If you suffer from low self-esteem you may find that you regularly talk to your self in a negative way. This can further lower your self-esteem causing a vicious cycle where you continually feel bad about yourself. The good news is that you can change the way you talk...
Intentions For 2020
Resolutions are linked to achieving specific goals such as eating healthier, losing weight or saving money. They’re often about something that is missing from your life and at the very least, they tend to focus on what you feel is wrong in your life and how you’d prefer not to feel.