The Benefits of Having a Break from Alcohol I’m presently doing dry July (or a version of it)  and thought I would take a look at the benefits this break from alcohol is doing for my mind, body and soul. You don’t have to be a big drinker to benefit from not...
Stress Less  –  1 – Causes of Stress

Stress Less – 1 – Causes of Stress

Stress is something everyone experiences, but when you get into prolonged periods of high stress levels, you are putting your health and wellness at risk. It can wreck havoc on your personal and professional life. If you feel that you are struggling with stress and...
Thrive In Your Bubble

Thrive In Your Bubble

Wow who would have thought a couple of weeks ago that a lot of countries in the world would be in lockdown. New Zealand went into lockdown last Thursday and I had already been self isolating for a week before that because of a trip to Melbourne. But we can all thrive...
Do You Need A Hand Sanitiser Solution?

Do You Need A Hand Sanitiser Solution?

I just read an article about a mother in Australia not being able to easily obtain hand sanitiser and basic stocks at the supermarket because of the people who are panic buying large quantities of basic essentials. This made me search for a homemade hand sanitiser...
Natural Ways To Boost Your Immunity

Natural Ways To Boost Your Immunity

Here are some natural ways that may help boost your immunity system and fight against the symptoms of colds and flu if you are unlucky enough to catch one. The summer virus’s in New Zealand at the moment can be just as nasty as the winter ones and less expected....